Car vs Motor Motorcycle Accidents

Accidents on the road do happen, but they're generally avoidable. While many risks are present on the highway for both cars and motorcycles, they don't always affect motorists equally.

Car vs Motor Motorcycle Accidents


Distracted driving and fatigue are two of the most common causes of car accidents. Today, distracted driving has many causes. While changing the radio or talking to passengers are both typical distractions, cellphones have become one of the biggest concerns. Talking on the phone, texting, or checking Instagram all serve as distractions. Taking your eyes off the road for just a couple seconds greatly increases the likelihood of having an accident. Many states have passed laws against cellphone use. While some ban it outright, others require hands-free usage while driving.

Aggressive driving is another issue that drivers face. This includes behaviors that are unfortunately all too common, such as tailgating or failing to yield at a right of way. Running a traffic light or rolling through a stop sign present obvious hazards. Some aggressive drivers change lanes frequently, often without signaling, or they might even use a turn lane to pull ahead of other vehicles. All of these behaviors serve to increase the likelihood of having an accident on the road.


While there are some issues that both cars and motorcycles face, some are a bit more specific to motorcycles or simply affect them more significantly. It might not seem like it, but a car making a left turn is a serious hazard for motorcyclists. This is most commonly due to the rider's own error. If the motorcycle is attempting to pass the car or proceed straight through the intersection, there's the possibility of a collision. As a general rule, it's best for the rider to yield to the car when in doubt. A car's driver can't necessarily anticipate the maneuver that the rider is attempting to perform.

Car vs Motor Motorcycle Accidents

Lane splitting is a hazard that's quite unique to motorcycles. You've probably seen this before, even if you haven't done it yourself. This is when a motorcycle passes between two cars by riding in between two lanes. This is commonly referred to as "lane splitting," and it's highly dangerous. The drivers may not see the motorcycle at all, and the rider has a significantly reduced area for maneuvering.

Shared Risk Factors

Alcohol or other forms of chemical impairment can affect both car drivers and motorcycle riders. Additionally, alcohol is often consumed at night, and reduced visibility coupled with intoxication only serves to increase the probability of an accident. Alcohol is a contributing factor to deaths every year, and many of them are on the road.

Speeding is another major issue. Posted speed limits are not arbitrary. They're determined by a number of variables. Exceeding the speed limit means the driver or rider has a higher chance of losing control of the vehicle. Sharp turns, merging traffic, or road hazards might be avoidable at a reasonable speed, but impossible for a person to compensate for or react to at higher speeds.

As you can see, many risk factors are shared, but operating a motorcycle does involve some unique concerns. It's best to keep these in mind while on the road. For more information, contact George Stein Steelhorse law today.

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