Tips for Filing a Personal Injury Claim Against the Motorcycle Manufacturer

Tips for Filing a Personal Injury Claim Against the Motorcycle Manufacturer

Anytime you're involved in a motorcycle accident, you're at a substantial risk of severe injury. Motorcycle accidents can be caused by a long list of factors, not the least of which is defective equipment. After all, a motorcycle is a man-made machine, and, therefore, can't be considered infallible. And when the components of a motorcycle are at fault for an accident that results in injury, the manufacturer of the motorcycle may bear liability.

Of course, when you're involved in a severe motorcycle accident, your first order of business should be getting immediate medical care for your injuries. However, you should also consider the merits of a personal injury claim against the motorcycle manufacturer if there's evidence that defective parts or shoddy workmanship were at fault. Seeking legal remediation can be important, since many severe motorcycle accidents result in hefty medical expenses and the burden of lost wages stemming from the injury. Read on to learn a few best practices to use when filing a personal injury claim against the manufacturer of a defective motorcycle.

Seek Timely Medical Attention

Seeking medical attention immediately after a motorcycle accident is obviously important to your health and well-being. The injuries sustained in a wreck could be severe, so timely care from trained medical professionals is crucial. However, there's another reason to seek medical attention as soon as possible following a motorcycle accident. If you think another party may be at fault for your accident, it's important to begin building detailed medical records to document the injuries that you sustained in the accident. Those records could later become an important component in your case, and you'll need detailed documentation to ensure that evidence of harm is preserved.

Tips for Filing a Personal Injury Claim Against the Motorcycle Manufacturer

Get Counsel Immediately

The next step, once you've been cleared by medical professionals, is to seek the counsel of a qualified personal claims attorney who specializes in motorcycle accidents. A lawyer will start by helping you determine whether your claim is valid and worth pursuing. There's a statute of limitations for personal injury claims, so it's important to note that the sooner you file a claim, the better off you'll be. The lawyer will ask you about the specific circumstances of your case and discuss the collection and preservation of any evidence that could be of use. Provide as much detail as you can so the attorney has the full picture of what happened and who was at fault. Once you hire an attorney, they will handle all dealings with insurance companies, defendants, and their attorneys moving forward, so the initial interview and fact-gathering session will be important to your case.

Collect and Preserve Evidence

This may be the most important step that you must undertake when filing a claim against a motorcycle manufacturer. Most large companies and their insurers have teams of lawyers on retainer and will attempt to aggressively bully claimants into settling for smaller sums than they're entitled to receive. To confidently proceed with your case and hold a reasonable expectation of success, your claim must be built upon a solid foundation of irrefutable evidence. Collecting evidence to support your arguments will be critical, and it's important that it's done in a timely fashion. For example, if there is an eyewitness that can support your claims, the sooner that eyewitness account is recorded, the more credible it will be. Evidence that could be pertinent in your case includes accident reports completed by responding law enforcement agencies, medical documentation of the injuries you sustained in the accident, eyewitness accounts of the accident, and expert witness testimony to support your declarations about the defective part and its role in causing the accident.

If you've been involved in a motorcycle accident and believe the manufacturer is at fault due to defective parts of workmanship, you may be entitled to compensation. To learn more, contact George Stein Steelhorse Law at 1 (888) 38-COURT or 1 (888) 382-6878.

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